Saturday, July 20, 2002

I'm back, and better than ever. Austria was awesome.

Things I learned while in Austria:
1) There's nothing like a new perspective to make you appreciate what you have.
2) A little nudity in billboard advertising never hurt anyone... and it sure is funny.
3) A damn lot of German.
4) Oddly enough, I really miss the people at caltech when I'm away. ;-)
5) I found myself, and realized that my life is better than ever before. Why couldn't I see this earlier?

Sometimes, it takes a different perspective to allow prior events to click into a new focus, crystallizing into a different pattern. Austria provided that for me... there's nothing like a drastic change of scene and culture to make you reexamine what's going on in your life, and what you'd like to change. Thinking back, I can't remember being this happy for months, which scares me. How long have I been just existing, instead of really living?

Well, from here on out, count me in. I'm not just along for the ride anymore; I want to live.

I once told a dear friend that I wanted "to live, to love, to travel" and many many other things. I'm still not sure about the second, after being burned once... perhaps things would be different another time, perhaps not. I don't think I'm emotionally ready to risk that yet, and I don't think I want to commit to anyone else now, even several months afterwards - one thing I realized over the past month is that I rather enjoy being alone. There's a lot to be said for not caring what anyone else thinks, not worrying about someone else, not always having another's cares burdening you, not having to allott time for someone else... and right now, I'm enjoying this freedom immensely. Let life come; I'm no longer afraid to face it alone, for I have my friends. Thanks a million, guys, you mean a lot to me.

I'm falling asleep, so I'll continue writing about the SURF tomorrow - it's going well so far. Hooray for starfish and PCRs. =^)

Auf Wiedersehen,
Something along the lines of a new motto for me:

"May you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true.
May you always know the truth and see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong.
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift.
May you have a strong foundation when the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful, may your songs always be sung.
May you stay forever young."
-Bob Dylan


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