Wednesday, January 22, 2003

currently wondering what life would've been like had i gone to UT Austin instead of this place...
1) students would CARE about student government, and actually want to get involved and make changes for the better, instead of being apathetic slugs, or just plain irritating and callous.
2) i'd feel like the committee I'm working on for student input in the hum/ss dept would be worthwhile. the more i see of everyone else, the more i feel like i have no reason to change things, because no one appreciates the work we're doing to change things for THEM and for the better. actually, hell, the same goes for secretary, and it's part of the reason i'm not running for any other high profile house positions. all you hear is how badly you're doing your job, and people forget the times when you excelled, but always remember that something's late or wrong or [fill in adjective].
3) i would've been close enough to home to see my friends from high school, who i feel i've nearly lost contact with. i wonder sometimes if the people i've known here are any better than those at home, or just the same personalities with more intelligence? i wouldn't have felt so alone... at times, i still don't feel i have any truly close friends, that i'm too mundane, that i don't fit in with the people or groups here.
4) i wouldn't have felt so out of place. i wouldn't have to realize that as a hum major, i hold views radically different from the other 90% of this college. i wouldn't have been told in a previous avery hum/ss meeting that 'hums are useless, so we should reduce the requirements for students to 8', that 'students don't need to know how to write papers' or that 'quantum mechanics is essential to a good education, and we should force everyone to take it whether or not they want to, even biologists. just because'. I know bloodshed's out of the question, but what i wouldn't give for a dagger or two on occasion.

i'm gonna go bask in my imagination and/or ec reading for the next couple hours, so i don't decide the daggers are a better option. not sure how long it'll take me to cool off, so recommend caution... i don't want to snap at any of my friends. or cry. and i'm not sure which would happen right now.


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