The riding lesson I had today may have been the best one of my life.
I can't remember another one when I felt this proud, this happy... the first time I rode this horse was over three months ago, and I remember being shaky and nervous after the lesson, as well as frustrated at not being good enough to control her. Today, despite still being somewhat sick, I managed to ride her well enough to merit praise from the brusque instructor (one, I'll add, that didn't know me or Yussanne at all - today was our first day in this class). There's a great deal of satisfaction in being able to convince a horse to perform precisely the way you desire (while keeping good form and making it look easy), and I came the closest to that today than I ever have in my life. I suppose it's just heartening to realize that after pouring effort into an endeavor, you've managed to improve considerably.
Just another nice little glow from one of the little things that brighten my life... more and more I discover that quality of life is based not only on the main events of life, but the little events, the daily undercurrents that you don't usually pay much attention to. I'm starting to notice those again, and so far, all of 'em are looking up. I just spent 3 weeks in Austria (still can't believe that... wow it was fun); I'm working on an interesting SURF under the best, nicest postdoc ever; I'm around good friends that care about me (and even better, none of them are stressed right now, since it's summer); I get to go riding with Yussanne twice a week now (and I finally feel like I'm seeing improvement); I have plenty of time to read whatever I like (and practice flute too, once I get well enough); I have another whole year to toss around ideas of what I want to do after I graduate... there are so many small things to buoy me up, it's easy to be happy. Not that I'm complaining after last year, of course...
Though it is odd that 19 was such a rotten year for me... 20's shaping up to be fantastic. Hope the trend continues. :)
In any case, it's time for a nyquil nightcap and sleep - I'll try to write more tomorrow. Night all.
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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