Sunday, January 26, 2003

Right now, I have only one question: Why can't we all just get along?

I hate seeing this rift in the house. I hate seeing people belittled for no reason at all. Can we start showing respect for other perspectives, instead of derision? Can we act our ages and be responsible enough to be tactful of other people?

I used to love the people in this house, and how closely knit we were. Looking back over two years, I'm stunned at how different everything is, how much people have changed, and all I can ask is, what happened? I didn't see the shift occurring last year (I must have been blind), but the divide is there. It might as well be a physical obstacle to communication, a stone wall - the tension between groups in the house is palpable. And what galls me the most is that I feel helpless to do anything about it, except sit by and watch the tension rise to the breaking point.

I wish I knew what to do.


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