Saturday, February 01, 2003

Life's an interesting thing. No matter what I do, I can always seem to learn something from it later on. One of the few benefits of overanalysis, I suppose. Though I've become a lot better at not dwelling on things that bother me, and not allowing little things to irritate me. It varies by day and person, but in general, there's improvement. yaay.

random thoughts:
Riding today: eh. I'm not as strong as I was last term. I should start doing yoga again to strengthen my lower leg. At least I didn't do anything stupid when I jumped today - managed to stay in the saddle. :) Go me. It's going to sound funny, but I really don't enjoy riding ponies quite so much as the larger horses - their short legs move too fast to be able to post at a comfortable pace, so you feel like you have very little control. And there's no neck to keep you from falling off if he ducks his head at a canter! It's a little unnerving.

Core paper: Finally done! (Well, till the next due date... or 5 days before ;) I can make it.

History classes: All's well. No real changes since the last post - I still love what I'm doing, and that's what counts. God knows what I'll do with that to earn a living after college, but I've got another year or so to figure that out, right?

Tomorrow: Huntington with Andrea Mc, Laura, and a couple other friends. Should be fun :) And then, I'm playing D&D with a buncha moles around 10 PM (yeah, yeah, I'm a nerd, I know)... again, should be fun and completely different from anything I've done before. Somewhere between those two things, I should do a lot of history and ec reading for next week, and study for the german test that's due on monday... oy. Oh yeah, and I'll call my parents (love you guys - I promise I'll call).

Ok, it's time to sleep. G'night all.


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