Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Hooray! Done with almost all of my finals and essays!

All that's left is one paper from h 161... it's due friday, but so so tempting to take an E and work on it for more than 1.5 days. I've gotta have more time to do the reading and write a decent paper, because I really enjoyed that class, and I want to do well... Brewer's a cool prof, and I don't want to disappoint him. Child of the 70's or not, I doubt he'd be thrilled to read something poorly written from a history major.

My god, but I'm glad that ec final's over. I think I managed to answer all of the questions for at least partial credit, but some of 'em were just tough. Hoping for a decent grade in that class... and I don't want to think about the fact that Clayton, Sean, Grace, and a bunch of other really brilliant people are in that class as well. I have a sneaking feeling I'll be on the low end of the curve. But we'll see.

H 97's taking an interesting turn. I've gotten somewhat burnt out on the Spanish side of things... there are only so many Spanish, Catholic sources you can read before tearing your hair and shrieking. The bias leaps out at me, and it's awfully, well, strong. You don't see this kind of thing quite so often today, but I'm just tired of it. So I'm switching gears to look at English colonization strategies for a while, then writing a comparative paper from what I've digested. This should spark my interest in colonization again, I hope.

Core - thank god it's over. To be honest, I'm actually fairly pleased with the end paper, even though working on it did feel like pulling teeth towards the end. -sigh-

Onwards to spring break! (and some good D&D tonight :)


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