Time for a quick update:
The orchestra concerts are over, so the pressure from Les Preludes and the Beethoven Eroica Symphony is off, and I don't have to worry over that 'flute concerto part' in the 4th mvmt of the Eroica anymore. Mom was here over the weekend, so I spent a lot of time with her (when I wasn't in rehearsal, that is).
Unfortunately, I let my history reading slide last week, in favor of FF6 (I blame the lethargy and apathy on the flu-like bug I had a couple weeks ago... the reason why I'm still hacking occasionally, and why I looked 'dehydrated' to so many at the concert). AND there's a german oral final today. And immediately after German, I'll be reading most of Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel for the final ec/ss 130 discussion tomorrow. And then, more h 97 reading and writing more of an essay. And then, h 161 reading and research for that paper I haven't even started yet, that's due next wednesday. Oh, and the core final paper too. Stupid core.
Oy. Please someone shoot me. I don't want to do all of this... I just want to sleep and have spring break here when I wake up. And be completely over this dry, hacking cough. -sigh- I don't want to be sick or stressed anymore.
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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