Monday, February 17, 2003

It seems that as soon as I'm comfortable on one horse, Davee switches me to another one... didn't ride Gambit this afternoon, but Boo (also a pony, but less experienced, cuter and *very* frisky). It seems that she's preparing me to ride that crazy bat Ruby again - that horse is an absolute nutcase, but perhaps the next time she'll be better. But no matter who I ride, I always learn something new in every lesson - what I'm doing right or wrong, what various bucks and bolts feel like (lots of this recently), or a new way to approach training. And I always manage to do something that I didn't think I could before, whether it's just staying on the horse (more often than not... I really thought I'd take a dive at least once today), eliciting the right reaction from the horse, keeping in good form, or just learning to relax and breathe. I love riding, even with the risks of injury, because it challenges me to believe in myself. Davee once said that things like falling are self-fulfilling prophecies: if you believe that you're going to fall, you will. If you're determined to stay on, you will. The difficulty lies in mustering the confidence to pursue your goals. But once you have that confidence, you're set - you can do anything you put your mind to. There are no limits.

Hooray for riding :) So much fun, and so many of the little mental things you learn in lesson are applicable to daily life. It's just a shame that they don't help in ec 130... which I should be reading right now. Guess it's time for work again.


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