Well, crap. Apparently, I only *thought* I set my alarm last night... I woke up at 11:30 feeling amazingly refreshed from 9.5 hours of sleep, but completely missed my 10-11:30 ec 130 class. Dammit, I *like* that class. Perhaps I should start setting my alarm before I get tired... it wasn't so bad this morning, as it was a lecture, but if this had happened on a discussion day, I would've been docked a good deal for not coming. And heaven knows my GPA doesn't need another low grade...
Wait a minute, that's the first class I've missed all term. That's amazing. Usually, I would've figured out which lectures are and aren't useful by now, and begun the pattern of skipping lecture for homework or sleep. I guess this means I'm in the right major... I don't want to miss any of them. :) That's a stark contrast to most of my bio classes over the past couple years - I enjoyed vertebrate evolution, and the labs, but that's about it.
State of my life at the moment: I did well in German (again :). The weekend's in sight! I'm going riding tomorrow (I just wish Yussanne was coming too...)! I don't have any midterms hanging over my head (yet)! I get to watch "Into the Woods" with Abby and Sam Saturday night! Yaay!
The only sad thing: no D&D, as Mike Wilson's off at shotokan special training for most of this weekend, then has a bunch of midterms to take. I still say we could do a 6 hour session next weekend to make up for lost time... the DM has plenty of time on his hands to come up with a story line, right? (just joking, Sam :) But it would be nice... and Abby and Luigi certainly seemed enthusiastic about the possibility. No pressure, of course. ;)
Then again, I'd better quit bothering Sam about this, or Lyra may "accidentally" take some serious damage in the next session. Oy.
Anyway, back to the hum reading. H 161 tonight 7-10, then I'm free* for the next three days!
*not counting 600+ pages of reading for h 97, a 3-4 page paper for h 97, 200 pages of reading for ec 130, ?? pages for h 161, german work...
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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