Sunday, February 02, 2003

Goodness, I'm tired. It's been a long day, though I haven't gotten anything done.

Oh yeah - verdict on D&D: cool. :) It's definitely one of those things where you get out of it what you put in... but it was a little difficult to play my character instead of myself. Guess it doesn't matter now, since both of us are pretty darn inexperienced in the ways of the world, but it'll become easier with time. Gotta learn not to smart off to erratic, dagger-wielding sneakthieves, even if they're hurt and don't trust Lyra yet... that *was* funny, though. And she's already shown she's useful to the group as a healer! Hooray! :) Anyway, that'll be something really fun to do on Saturday nights.

Also, I got dress dinner pictures from Vikki (several of us were wearing cloaks, so she begged someone to take a few pictures). Mom, Dad, Kat, Grandmom, look at how well the full circle cloak turned out! Aren't you proud? ;)

Dress Dinner with Cloaks 1

L to R: Vikki, Sandy, Ewen (She made that dress herself! She's amazing!), and Kirsten

Dress Dinner with Cloaks 2

L to R: Sandy, Vikki, Ewen, Kirsten

All I can think of, is it's kinda bizarre that I never realized how much I look like my Mom did at this age... especially in that first picture. Odd.

Ok, it's time for sleep. night all.


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