Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Wow but that's a lot of rain. It was kinda nice waking up to hear rain on the roof... reminded me a little of home. Then again, at home I wouldn't have ended up soaking wet going to and from class. At least my high school had those nifty covered walkways... or better yet, interconnected wings! Ah, the bygone days.
In the meantime, I wish I could remember where I'd put my umbrella. My rainjacket (der Regenmantel! :) may keep the torso dry, but my jeans are soaked.

List of stuff to get done (for my benefit):
-german exam. take tonight, due tomorrow 1 or 2 PM.
-h 161 reading. do some tonight, due tomorrow 7 PM.
-bishop essay/app. write draft and finish app tonight, edit, rewrite thurs night/fri morn. due fri 3 PM.
-h 97 reading. always going on in the background... grrrr.

It's not nearly as bad as it could be (and believe me, now I'm glad I ditched the bio double major), but the constant h 97 reading is beginning to have a numbing effect... all I read for that tutorial are different accounts of the Spanish conquest of America, and the monotony is beginning to wear me down. A break would be most welcome... can't wait for that 3 day weekend. :)

Ok, back to work.


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