Monday, February 24, 2003

And I've succumbed to the viruses raging through the dorms yet again. Fever and chills, scratchy throat, general malaise and nausea... a little better today, since the headache that was bothering me yesterday evening went away with sleep. (thank goodness) Dammit, forget to take vitamins for a weekend, and this is what happens... grrrrr. Dorm life's terrible sometimes.

I realized that it's been nearly a week since I've written here, but a bunch of stuff's been going on in my life (imagine that). Patience, please - I'll put a summary up soon, probably a little after I finish this essay, probably couple of hours from now. Or I'll just curl up into a ball with a mug of hot tea and finish reading Rise of Endymion. ;)
Personal reminders:
Tues: ec 130, lunch at Ath at noon, ec or h reading or german review, sfc meeting 3:30-4:30, more reading, dinner, orchestra
Wed: 5 PM meeting with deverell


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