Saturday, May 17, 2003

I don't think I've ever felt as frustrated and worthless after riding at 3D Farms as I did today. I've ridden the same horse, Boo, for the past two months. As a result, I've become pretty good at communicating with him, learning to anticipate his reactions. I've taken a few spills, but learned an awful lot - and I love Boo, he's an absolute sweetheart.

Today, I rode the El Diablo of the horse world. A piebald gelding, Moncho is now my personal nightmare. It's like riding a slug... you sit there wearing out your boot leather trying to convince him to go, and he does just the bare minimum to get you to quit bothering him. And stops as soon as you cease applying pressure. (All this while my left hip is still acting up from the fall last week - still hurts when posting, not back to normal yet.) Not only this, but the bastard bites too! I now have several new bruises on my hands and arms, all acquired from this SOB with no provocation at all.

I've never, ever wanted to beat the living daylights out of an animal before today. Humans, sure - I've met a select few whom I'd take a lot of pleasure in beating into a pulp to show them the error of their ways (or at least had the occasional daydream about this sort of thing). But before today, I could say that even if I was displeased with an animal's reactions, I could understand why they had reacted that way - it wasn't malicious, just the way they were. Like Boo. So I came off - I was frustrated, I cried, but I understood that when he ducked his head, he was just having a little fun after making the jump. And I could deal with that by raising my hands and preventing his head from lowering in the first place. But with Moncho, it's just pure malice. The damn horse bit me when I was scratching behind his ears and talking sweetly to him, for crying out loud! Not to mention bucking his hindquarters, tossing his head the whole lesson, and generally being a total jerk. I hate to say it, but I had visions of beating him dancing through my head. Worst horse ever.

Yussanne, I can't believe you put up with him for so long. If I get him next week, I'll cry. Boo could be frustrating at times, but he was never malicious. I can deal with spooky horses, no problem - it's all in remaining calm and remembering that you're in control, because if you convince them it's ok, then everything's fine (if not, everything's shot to hell, you both panic and feed off the other's fear, and you're coming off in under a minute). But with this bastard, it's going to take brute strength and not putting up with any crap from him, forcing him to do what I want with leg, rein and crop, instead of a calm mind, steady hands, and finesse. -sigh- I miss Boo already.

Thank goodness I had an awesome orchestra concert to balance the frustration from riding today. The Moldau (Smetana) went pretty well - a little shaky at parts, not quite together sometimes, but considering how little work we put into it over the past several weeks, I'm not complaining. The Sacred Service wasn't as well received by the crowd, it seemed, probably because it's awfully long and somewhat modern. It has really neat chord progressions and odd shifts, but it takes a while to understand and enjoy them, I think. In any case, it's fun. :)

Aight... on to work for this weekend:
-read two books (or more!) for h 97
-begin h 161 paper due this friday
-work on german labs, etc
-run errands for sandy for associates' tea on sunday

I think I can do all this and check out the preview of Scourge cards tomorrow with Andrea Mc and Dan... still not sure whether to play or not, but I'd at least like to take a look at the cards, 'cause they sound interesting.

To close, a quote from Tina ( I think):
"First D&D, now Magic. I don't understand - you're getting nerdier now, AFTER switching from bio to history??"
1) I blame Sam. ;) And Dan. It's all their fault. Really.
2) I still don't look or act it, now do I? Tina: "Great, so that makes you a closet nerd?"
(Tina, you're hilarious. And right on the money, as usual.)

Aight. Time for sleep, methinks - catch you guys later.


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