Sunday, June 01, 2003

Today's June first. That means 14 days till I'm 21 (and boy is that strange)... also 12 days until this term ends, and I leave tech for the next 4 months.

For the first time in three years, I don't want to leave this place. Before, I've always been ready to go home and recuperate from the hellish workload, because I knew that the next round was coming up soon (even for the summers... hooray SURFs). I'll really miss everyone - I won't be anywhere near this place until sept 15, and the next day I leave for Germany. Not trying to complain, as I'll have a blast this summer. But not seeing the close friends who are practically family to me for 4 months is going to be really tough. :( The one bright lining to this cloud is that I will have internet access in Ireland, so I promise I'll email you guys.... and I would really appreciate a few emails in return, so I don't feel too left out of what's going on here and in Louisiana. Please don't forget about me.

Also, if you would like a postcard from Ireland, send me an email with your MSC, and I'll do my best to get one to you while I'm over there.


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