Thursday, March 04, 2004

Well, finally heard back from all the grad schools. ND really, really wants me, bad enough to pay my way and living expenses. UCLA and UT Austin would allow me to come for the first year... but I'd be paying for everything, since neither place can spare me a dime.

And then there are Princeton and Stanford, who couldn't care less about me. Nyah! (I for one still can't believe Princeton rejected Mike and Sam!)

Now for the super hard part - deciding where to go and dealing with the consequences. :(

ND: I'm far away from everyone I love, from both the places I can call home. Also, it's damn cold in winter.
UCLA: Warmer, near my second home (tech), but geez that's a lot of money I have to pay for tuition... fees... gas... you call that an apartment rent!? That's a down payment on a house!! Closer to friends at tech and maybe Sam, but not certain on the last one. :(

This is when I wish for complete clairvoyance... I desperately want to know what will happen if I choose this place over that one, etc. -sigh- Everything recently has gone so well, and I don't want to mess up the next several years of my life - maybe the next 10-20? - by one mistake.

I wish I knew what to do.


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