Isn't it just wonderful when you find out that people you trusted, people you really *believed* in, people you thought to be friends, were saying awful things behind your back the whole time?
Found out about this a couple nights ago, and with the stress from 110 and 122 tonight, the emotions I shoved down are surfacing. It hurts. I feel betrayed. I guess I was mistaken... you aren't who I thought you were, and I wonder if you ever were. Was I just fooling myself all along? At least I know I can't trust you anymore, and can act accordingly... but dammit, I just want to know why. What couldn't you say to my face?
Kathleen, I now understand you completely. You can't ever trust someone completely after you know they've done this... I'm sorry for not understanding earlier.
On to 110 and 122. Sometimes I hate my life. I just want to curl up and cry for a while, but there's just no time for it now. Slogging on through shitty bio courses and fighting against tears... maybe I'll have time to rest tomorrow night.
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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