Friday, November 22, 2002

It seems like life has only gotten better since I decided to drop the biology major. Plus, I've turned in my registration form for next term. On the roster:
PA 32b (3) - why not get units for orchestra if you can?
Core 1b (2) - 'cause I have to :(
H 97a (9) - history junior tutorial with bill deverell on native american cultures. should be interesting
H 161a (9) - "What is History?" ie methods of investigative history, taught by a preeminent history prof that tech managed to steal from UCLA (I think) :)
H 167 (9) - experimental history - examining how we know what we know about ancient societies (pre-Greek civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, Harappan, etc). god, it'd better be a better class than ancient medicine, or I'll drop it so fast it'll make your head spin. I'm not going to put up with another poor lecturer in a history class...
Ec/SS 130 (9) - economic history of europe from the 1500s to the industrial revolution, taught by a historian. hooray! :)
L 130b (10) - 'cause I want another crack at German, when I can really pour some effort into it. this should be fun this time around... languages are fun. :)

Anyway, I'm tired. Night all, and see you tomorrow.


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