So I haven't been able to get an internet connection the past several days... that doesn't mean I haven't been writing. Besides, it's nice to get away from the 'net and spend time in the real world. Anyway, I'll be back at tech by the 31st.
It's shaping up to be a *very* musical Christmas...
Not only am I performing on flute, but I'll be playing in the bell choir and maybe even singing too. Not bad, eh? ;)
The last two are mom's fault - I went with her to hear the bell choir practice (she's in the bell choir), and was planning to leave when the choir began practicing. However, the director's wife was sick, so he approached me and asked if I'd ever done it before and if I'd like to cover her two bells (treble clef B and C in staff). Answers: nope, never and yes, I'd love to. Minutes later, I'm getting the hang of it. Bells are fun! Different, closer to piano than flute, since you have to multitask with hands occasionally, and you cut off the tone differently. Didn't think I could pick them up that fast, because some of the bell choir members are still having problems - mainly from not being familiar with sightreading ("Coda? D.S.? What's that? I don't understand..."). However, 11 years of flute helps tremendously, and I was really having fun by the end of rehearsal.
Anyway, I figured Christine would be back for Christmas Eve, but asked if he wanted me to cover more bells for him - there's another rehearsal tomorrow afternoon, so there'd be time to learn another set of bells before the performance. And amazingly, I got a call from him earlier today. Looks like I'll be performing on bells too on Christmas Eve. :)
The choir rehearsal wasn't quite so happy. My throat's been pretty raw recently (both mom and I aren't feeling so great), and I discovered that within the last 6 years, I've lost virtually all my higher range. When I sang with the choir in middle school, I could reach high A's and an occasional high C... now, I'm lucky to reach E, and even that's a real reach. But my lower range has deepened, and I can sing lower than Mom (she sings soprano, usually can hit A's). Looks like I'm pegged for alto now. -sigh- Ah well. There're too many sopranos in the world anyway. ;) (Just kidding, Andrea, Yussanne and Rebecca!)
Not only is half my range gone, but I discovered that I no longer remember how to sight-sing. My memory and ear are decent, but looking at a page and singing without a brief tune reminder practically guarantees laughable results. (At this point, I began considering backing out of the choir gig... one rogue singer can really muck up a lovely piece of music. The next realization really sealed its fate.)
And as if the previous two revelations weren't enough, there was the crowning blow: I then found that my style of singing isn't quite the church style anymore. I should've expected this, after singing along to the radio and jazz charts for the past 6 years. Believe it or not, I used to have a pure, clear soprano voice before I began devoting all my time to flute. It's become more... oh, I don't know, unstructured, variable. *I'd* say there's more character in it. But it's not the same as it was many years ago, which is kinda sad. Meh. I say the flute progress is a fair trade though. :) Besides, jazz, blues and pop-style singing is generally more fun.
In any case, I stuck it out through the choir rehearsal, attempting the soprano part and switching to alto lines to relieve the strain when I could. However, my throat now feels like raw meat. I somehow doubt I'll be singing in the choir this Sunday, if ever again.
Final lesson for today: Kirsten should stick to instrumental music and stay far far away from structured choirs. :)
Night all, and take care.
(After seeing the Two Towers)
Wow. That was awesome. And I can't wait to see it again...
And though I'm somewhat less than thrilled with the departure from the book's plot, as well as the portrayal of Faramir, I'm very impressed with Peter Jackson's interpretation of Eowyn. I'm sure every Tolkien fan out there identifies with someone in this trilogy, and after seeing this movie and reading the books at least 3 times, I'm certain I'd be her. Yaay for Miranda Otto. :) I also liked the depiction of the Rohirrim - strong Saxon and Celtic ties evident there, with the dress, fortifications and knotwork/animal embellishments. Very cool... especially all those horse scenes, eh Yussanne? ;)
Hmm... I wonder if that new riding stable would be willing to offer a course on fighting from horseback... probably not.
Oh yeah, I guess that never made it up here, thanks to several instances of computer and/or internet failure erasing some previous (long) post attempts. Starting in the new year, I'll be riding at a new place called 3D Farms. Long story, but Davee (best instructor ever at TES) decided to quit TES due to negative changes in management and rules/regulations. Two more instructors quit at the same time, and they're now setting up a new riding stable roughly 20 minutes away from tech. Though I'll miss the horses at TES, Davee was honestly the best instructor at TES - I took lessons from several of 'em at different times, and none could hold a candle to her (except for Julia, who left at the end of the summer :( ). She pushes you to perform at your best during every lesson, and challenges you to push yourself, yet makes it seem easy - and it's not till after the class is over and you move on to another teacher that you realize how much you learned. Hence, I'm following her to her new eventing barn - for those of you horse-illiterate people, eventing includes dressage, jumping, and cross-country. I certainly won't be starting off in any of those disciplines for some time, but I hope to begin jumping within the year. -crosses fingers- Think that'll be one of my resolutions for this year. I still can't believe this year went by so fast. But hey, at least I feel I've learned a lot since last January in many different areas, so I guess the intervening year wasn't wasted. ;)
Anyway, we've got thunderstorms tonight here in east texas, so I'd better sign off and post this one tomorrow morning. Take care, and good night all - and I miss you techers.
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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