Monday, March 31, 2003

D and D gets more entertaining every week, so I've decided to start keeping track of choice quotes, and perhaps a running account of the tale. Not quite finished with the summary of this one yet, but will be once I get some more time... say, this weekend.
"No healing spells memorized?!? Are you a healer or not?" -Toes, after Lyra's first skirmish... with only 1 healing spell memorized. Oy.

"I have to tell you: you died and we buried you" -Melvin, to the resurrected Ethan. (Ethan and several other soldiers were killed by poisoned water in Alesandrus' camp)

"Awfully excited over a piece of cheese..." - Toes, on wolf-Lyra's disgusted discovery of a strong-smelling piece of cheese (she thought it was the poison used to kill Ethan)

"Come on now, what do you think you're doing?" - wizard, on recognizing Lacha as a shapeshifter in mountain lion form, prowling the camp and scaring the guards, with a sign around her neck: "On Official Business"

"A wolf this time?? -aggravated sigh-" -the same wizard, on seeing Lyra as a wolf, with the same sign around her neck, and mistaking her for Lacha ;) Shape-shifting is the best... I love that wolf form.

"I hope your wolf chokes on a bone!" -Camille, the irritating, obstinate enlistee who had to be forced to aid the investigation, to wolf-Lyra. Lyra turns, shifts to druid: "I HEARD THAT." Camille: -shock and fright-
Again, I love wolf form... so entertaining to scare the bejeebers out of people, and to be so *useful* in tracking. :)

Summary so far:
After Ethan was poisoned in the mess hall, Lyra and Lacha attempted to heal him with first aid, but failed (as did Toes' foul-smelling cabbage). Other healers were able to save 3 poisoned soldiers, though 2 others died. The party carried Ethan's body to the grove of trees outside the camp and buried him with his equipment. Upon returning to the camp, Alesandrus accosted Richard and Toes with a new mission: discover the assassin and bring him to Alesandrus. The two began their search with the cook and his help, and found a shunt driven into the water cask - presumably to introduce poison into the water. An extensive investigation of the people in the mess hall at the time, including a thorough search of their personal items (with a later search by wolf-Lyra's skilled nose) and a dental check turned up no assassins.
Melvin identified the sample of the poisoned water and a vial of Snaketongue assassin poison (found at a previous hideout) as the same poison, derived from rankweed, a rare, deadly plant native to Solnaria. He then took the samples to an apothecary, who confirmed his ID and began work on an antidote.

-more to come later, if I ever get around to it-


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