Friday, March 28, 2003

Quick bites ('cause I'm just not thinking in long prose... attention span's nil today, and the typical ADD free flight of ideas is really kicking in. For the amateur psychologist: can you spot the connections? ;):

Yaay! Got back into Pasadena late last night with no problems.

Currently working on the h 161 paper with an E... ergh. Should've started it earlier last term, but oh well. Gotta plow through these 6 books and write most/all of it up before Monday, or there'll be hell to pay.

Dad's still in town, staying in a hotel in Monrovia - planning on doing something fun with him today and tomorrow before he goes back to Longview Sunday morning.

Sunday night? D&D! Hope that Ethan survives that poison... thanks Toes, Lyra will definitely memorize neutralize poison from here on out. -sigh- AND it looks like it's time to start foraging for food again... better ditch those rations from our packs.

Have invested in hiking boots for field school this summer (was planning on using sneakers, but no such luck - lots of off-trail hiking around the island) - hopefully I'll get to try them out sometime this term. After they're broken in, of course.

Will ride at 3D Farms again this afternoon, assuming Davee got my email. Otherwise, seeing a couple of the horses I'm quite fond of (Gambit and Boo), then going to dinner with Dad.

Hm. I should do laundry tonight. I'm clean out of jeans.

Oh yeah - if I get enough done on my paper to warrant a reward tonight, I'm considering watching part of Pride and Prejudice. If you care to see it, let me know.

I think this must be the first caltech grade report where I've received all A-. :) Well, except for that E, and a P from h 97a... but the E'll be taken care of soon enough. This calls for celebration!

Or working on that E. Take care, and later. :)


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