Saturday, April 19, 2003

Update: done with h 97 notes! yaay! now to send those to deverell...

Also, I'm getting into the 'exhausted' zone. I've been running on high for pretty much the whole day, from the fabric district this morning, to helping with sewing the fabric wall and mattress covers, to painting the eyes on the gator, to getting out food for the party, to making a last ditch run for 15 2-L bottles of soda for mixers. To all whom I was short with, I'm really sorry - it wasn't your fault, and I shouldn't have snapped at you (being under stress really isn't a good excuse). I'm amazed by how well this party came together (and damn does it look good!), and it's thanks to ALL of us working together that it happened. My thanks for your help and for putting up with me.

And, in the meantime, while I was intermittently helping Ewen, Lucie and Kevin with the sewing machines, I managed to finish typing up my notes for h 97... Deverell's been asking if I could send those in for several days. Hopefully he won't be disappointed at the content... I think I've found some information that's highly useful with comparison to the Spanish mission system. We'll see.

Next up:
-finish the E (1/8-10 pages)
-read h 161 and more h 97
-begin working on h 161 paper due this friday


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