Monday, October 20, 2003

Blah. Not much change. Still not feeling well, still have sore throat and cough, etc. Spent most of last night dreaming that I was awake - but I couldn't have been, because I can never stay awake once I've taken nyquil.

Yes, Mom and Dad, I will go to the health center today, after I shower and dress. I'm not looking forward to the walk over there, though. Or the nurse who says, "Oh, it's not a bacterial infection yet. You don't know what you're talking about. I know more about your body than you do, even though you know you have a predisposition to developing bronchitis and sinus infections immediately after viral infections... no antibiotics for you! Go get some rest!" Grrrr.

Also, I gave up on going to class today. So I've now missed a meeting with Brown, a German class, a trip to the Huntington Art Gallery with Prof Bennett, and I will miss Silkscreening tonight in favor of getting to sleep earlier. Argh. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't feel like I was letting all of them down by not showing. On the other hand, perhaps skipping a couple classes is better than infecting the entire class and the professor too... as Anne Chomyn, a bio Ph.D in my german class put it, "If you are still ill I think you shouldn't go to class today, but that's up to you." She's got a good point there.

I may also end up missing orchestra tomorrow, though I'm not keen to hear Allen's reaction on that. -sigh- Not like there's much I can do about this damn thing, except try to get over it as quickly as possible with rest and plenty of hot liquids.


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