Friday, October 24, 2003

I don't feel good. But now it's not in a mainly physical kind of way. Now, it's more emotional - I think it's the lack of good sleep taking its toll. Plus thinking of all the things I need to do. Oh, and getting hit in the face with a flying ice cream cone at dinner, when Sam ducked. Usually, this wouldn't faze me much, but right now I'm in a fairly sour mood. I'm so tired, I feel worn out and sad, and all I want to do is sleep - but I can't without drugging myself with Tylenol or Nyquil because of this fricking cough that won't go away. Every time I lie down, I end up with nightmarish, racking coughs minutes later. It's been the same way for the past several nights, ever since the bad flu-symptoms left. I hate relying on drugs, but I can't do without them now.

I'm going to go mope now. Too many uncertainties; not enough sleep. :(


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