Saturday, November 08, 2003

The mantra I need to remember: No one is perfect. You can't force anyone to do anything they don't want to. All you can do is realize you've hit your limit, understand that you can't do anything more to help, relax, and give up.

I think this preference to always be in control of a situation comes from my dad. He was always the one in control (or trying to be), and he never did realize it. Still doesn't, really. I love him a lot - in most ways, he was/is a good dad - but whenever I mention it, he's shocked. "I only wanted the best for you; I wanted you to reach your potential" seems to be the usual refrain.

I don't want to fall into that pattern. I don't want to realize after the fact that I've been controlling, and that people resented it. I'm trying so hard to be a good friend, to be a good girlfriend, and I want my friends to live up to their potential - because they have so, so much more than I ever will in science. The difficulty is, I don't know how to express my concerns. I also don't want to be remembered as that horribly irritating nag, and avoided at all costs. -sigh-

Sam, thanks for forgiving the nagging. Sarah, thank you for giving another perspective and solution. And thanks to Yussanne, Andrea S and Mike D for reminding me that I can only do so much, and I shouldn't worry so much about others' choices. I try, but I still falter. Hopefully, eventually, I will learn to remember this, and I will be the better for it. Until then, it's just going to be difficult.

I just hope everyone does well on their subject GREs today. Good luck, guys.


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