Sunday, November 02, 2003

Because I have a headache... I'm gonna flick a minute and write instead of translating overdue Latin like I should.

Random thoughts:
PMS really, really, really sucks. Nothing worse than depression, cramps and headache (pain so bad I can't concentrate on work and I'm crying) all rolled into one. It's like being a great big ball of misery, and you can't see how anything will ever get better. Bleh.

Today wasn't so great (see above). I also didn't have time to call my family. :( :( I'm an awful daughter. :( But at least I have good friends, even if Sangeeta can't give right directions and I ended up driving for nearly 2 hours and didn't make it to Sangeeta's house because I didn't have time to retrace my steps and go the right way. But she and Joe came to tech with really yummy lamb curry with potato-egg-pancake thingummies, and that was good. Orchestra winds rehearsal was also pretty good, even though the oboist's instrument needs to have a few keys reseated and keeps changing pitch mid-note. And then I got a hug from Sam ("I'm not wasting time! I'm *spending* it [reading Men at Arms instead of doing homework]" ;), which also helped. Thanks, dear.

Yup. I have good friends. I don't deserve them, but they make life bearable on days like this.

Also, socteam meeting was funny. Note: I was somewhat dressed up today, wearing my plum turtleneck, black skirt and black boots.

Jenny: Dude, Kirsten looks like the sexcretary in those boots.
Arthi: WHAT?
Jenny: The boots are really sexy.
Arthi: Oh, BOOTS. For a minute I thought you said Kirsten's boobs were really sexy. -to me- Though they are.
me: -strikes pose-
Yussanne: Yup, she's definitely less inhibited than she was before she met you two!

I'm amused.

Aight, enough flicking. Time to face the Latin. or maybe a nap, and
*then* Latin...


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