Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Well, at least I'm feeling better about everything...

1) worked ahead a little on Ovid Latin.
2) not having to worry about languages for thesis right now
3) playing waltzes makes everything feel better ;)
4) not worrying quite so much about grad schools/jobs. Still undecided on grad school, but it still seems like fun... especially at UCLA. Princeton seems a little more formal and a little less about creative thinking - seems to be a West vs. East Coast thing. And there's always teaching to fall back on... man, I almost wish I'd tried to do that teaching credentialing that was offered junior/senior year, but I think it would've been a little too much to handle with everything else.

Don't forget: this Saturday is Waltz Night over at Oxy. 8:30-11, Samuelson Pavilion - bring yourself and expect to have a good time! Seriously, it should be fun, so if you don't have anything else to do on Valentine's Day, you should come.


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