Saturday, May 08, 2004

Wow, what a week.

1) I'm on the list for the Geeremusic teachers. The director is really nice and seems very genuine - this is a good place, I'm not being lied to about pay or time or location.

Sadly, it's only 8 hours a week tops, 20-25$/hour.

2) I've scheduled an interview with Kaplan.

Sadly, it's on June 1... and if I pass it, there's extra training before I can start work.

3) Went to the Lindamood-Bell screening today. 4 hours later, I'm about to go nuts from phonemics practice. The story imagery was really cool, but I think overall my remark to my activity partner summed it up: "After a day of this, I'd be starved for intelligent conversation."

Sadly, I doubt I'll get a call for an interview there... that would've been really nice, full-time at 13$/hour, even if somewhat aggravating and mind-numbing. Is madness worth 2,400$/month? Hard to say. That's a lot of potential savings...

4) I've emailed the Eureka person with information, heard something very positive back from her, and I've now asked about interview/training times.

Waiting to hear a response.

And now, it's back to waiting, applying for more that come up, etc. This is strange. I'd always expected the business world would be more a meritocracy than I discovered it actually was today. Perhaps it was foolish of me; but if they couldn't take the way I was dressed, at least I don't think I could've stomached them for too long.

It still puzzles me that businesses aren't willing to look beyond the facade for actual intelligence and charisma. I know so many brilliant people here, but one look at them and a business wouldn't give them a second glance. Why? They don't fit the typical business dress. They don't conform. They weren't hammered into a mold like most of the people I remember from home, and forced to conform.

I remember having arguments with my dad over appearance - he always stressed it as paramount to getting an interview/job, even to living in the most ramshackle place at a 'good' address vs. a nice place on the 'wrong' side of the tracks. I found this ridiculous then, and I still do. Perhaps I'm simply naive, to believe that comfort, intelligence, rapport and professionalism is more important than a mere set of clothing or a 'good' address. We try to encourage creativity and outside thinking in gifted kids, and tell them that intelligence is what really counts... but it doesn't seem like the market's geared towards that at all. Then are we doing those kids a disservice? It bears thought.

5) Talked with Nate et al. about housing. I'll be living with those folks working on the company during the summer; unsure whether I'll be in a double or single yet. We'll see.. but at least I'll still be among friends, and near Sam. :)

It's going to be odd coming back to my apartment over at UCLA and not being able to spontaneously hang out in his room and talk to him. At least he'll be in Pasadena, so I can come back on weekends and be with him. That's something I'm extraordinarily thankful for - it's odd to think that we've been together for over a year at this point, and we're both still happy with each other. Perhaps odd is the wrong word. Comforting might be better. He's a great guy, and I'm certainly lucky to have him. Now, if only I could beat him at Magic more often... ;)

Ok, it's late and I'm tired. Time for sleep.


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