Aight, so it's been a couple days since I last posted. Rotation's chugging along as always... classes are going well... nothing real spectacular happening here. Just life as usual, with less stress than earlier this week. SURF paper still up in the air, homework sets and reading to do over the weekend for classes, and more rotation meetings... meh. S'all good.
Final Class Schedule (once I get it by my advisor Erin Schuman):
Bi/Ch 110 (intro to biochem), Bi 122 (genetics), core 1a, Bi 80 (bi major seminar), H 142 (History of CA), H 161 (Ancient Medicine), orchestra, lessons at oxy (for units, yes. to make sure I practice).
So far:
110 - Jack Richards is an interesting lecturer - discourses about mnemonics and the 'mystery' of the English language make it amusing. I actually want to go to this class... funny that.
122 - Bruce Hay's a great lecturer - it all makes sense! Imagine that. 'Course, I did read the first several chapters of the book this summer, so perhaps that helped... but dang, he's good. Another class I'll definitely go to.
142 - No idea yet - Deverell's out of the country, and first class is next tuesday. I keep hearing how fantastic he is, though, so we'll see. Looking to enjoy this class, though it's off the beaten track for me. I enjoyed TX history, and world history in soph year of HS... but AP US history was awful (teacher was positively terrible... made us read out of the book IN CLASS, and wasn't too bright. Grrrr). This should be better.
161 - Sounds interesting, though I'm not familiar with the lecturer (Eaton). First meeting's Friday... here's to hoping it's good.
80 - easiest bi class EVER. Basically, it's a "come hear your friends talk about research and eat free food every monday at noon" - incredibly low stress, and I can just recycle my SURF talk. I'll be giving my 15 minute talk on Nov 11 (I think..), and that's pretty much it.
core - I've got to figure out what I'm writing about. Ideas so far include developmental bio of starfish, including in situ and sequencing technique explanations, or something else in bio... ARGH. I don't relish spending another two terms on this, since I've already spent a year in pursuit of developmental bio. But it would be easier, and I know a whole lot about it now. But the instructor did say that we were supposed to show our "relish" for the subject in the paper, and I sure don't feel much relish for it anymore. Grrr. Kinda toying with the idea of writing about music, or history, or anthropology, but not sure what I'd write about. And all the while, the clock's ticking, because I need to submit 4 mentor choices and an abstract in another 5 days. Ergh.
Oh yeah... I now own two different wallhangings of deities from different religions: Kokopelli from my parents, and a cool terra cotta Ganesh from Sangeeta. Come by and see 'em if you like (I'll put them up soon). Kokopelli's the mischevious flute player, a mythical Hopi symbol of fertility, replenishment, music, dance, and mischief (also appears in Anasazi and Zuni belief systems). Ganesh, on the other hand, is from the Hindu belief system - the elephant-headed son of Parvati, god of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts. More of the story:
"According to the Shiva Purana, Ganesha was born of the scurf from Parvati's body. Once, when Shiva was away, Parvati wanted someone to guard the door while she bathed.
From the scurf of her body, she moulded a boy and gave him life. She told him to attend the door and not allow anyone to enter. Shiva returned, and when he tried to enter, was stopped by Ganesha. An argument arose, and enraged, Shiva cut off Ganesha's head and entered. When Parvati discovered that Shiva had entered by beheading her son, she was inconsolable. Repentant, Shiva ordered that the head of the first living being that was found should be brought to him. This happened to be the head of an elephant calf. He placed this on Ganesha's body and restored him to life."
If this keeps up, my room's going to become a tribute to religious tolerance. Not that I mind, honestly...
I do believe it's time to sleep. But before that... so I was feeling childish and took the disney princess quiz. I don't think this result will surprise anyone:
Which Disney Princess are you?
Amusing way to waste time. Anyway, night all, and see you later.
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