Monday, December 02, 2002

Yup, I'm back. And I sure did manage to get absolutely nothing done over the break. Hence, here's the checklist:
core 1a paper (due today)
bi/ch 110 set (due tues)
h 142 paper (due fri)
h 161 presentation (due fri)
bi/ch 110 final (due ??)
h 161 paper (due next fri)

And the schedule, so I don't lose my mind:
write core 1a paper (due today)
bi/ch 110 set (due tuesday)
accompany glee club rehearsal, 8-9

finish 110 set, turn in at class.
read tortilla curtain and come up with some brilliant ideas for the paper comparing/contrasting it with the grapes of wrath (due friday)

start writing that h 142 paper
begin collecting info on incantations and analyzing styles/forms for presentation (friday) and paper (due next friday)
accompany glee club rehearsal, 8-9

write h 142 paper, revise
plan out presentation

h 142 paper due
presentation session 3-5
8 PM glee club concert

8 PM glee club concert

Next week:
write 161 paper, study and take 110 final
This has to be the easiest finals week EVER for me. All I have to say is, it's about time, considering the hellish ones the last two years (yeah, yeah, I know, I brought it on myself with the 50+ unit terms...). Anyway, if you're interested in doing something fun like renting a movie, please let me know. I'm tempted to rent Hamlet sometime, since I've finally got the time to do it.


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