Almost forgot. -wicked grin-
I helped Sangeeta and Joe move into their new apartment in Santa Monica on Sunday afternoon (and wow is it nice). The last thing we used the truck for was a mattress and box spring for their new queen size four poster bed (also really nice). Anyway, we'd managed to maneuver the box spring into the door with a little luck - the entranceway is kinda narrow and stairs and a wall running parallel to the walkway. We decided not to try to get the mattress through the door, but rather to hoist it over the balcony wall right outside their ground floor glass doors.
So Joe, strong fellow that he is, begins to hoist the mattress up and prepares to heave it over the wall (involves some tottering back and forth - really funny, when you can only see the top of the mattress waving back and forth, then falling back into the other side of the walkway :). Sangeeta's on the balcony, ready to grab an edge and pull when it comes up. And I'm hanging onto the box spring, making sure it doesn't fall over and into the way of the mattress when it comes in the door. Suddenly, right before Joe heaves the mattress up to the balcony, the phone rings. Sangeeta immediately goes to answer it. Joe, not realizing that she's gone to get the phone, summons his strength and heaves up - only to find no one there to grab the mattress.
"I'm answering the phone!"
"You're WHAT?! Don't do that! Help me with the mattress!"
"Hang on a minute!"
"You're answering the phone?? -sputtering from under the mattress- It's like sex - you just keep going and let it ring!! "
Hehehe. Needless to say, at that point the box spring fell over, because I was laughing so hard at the tableau in front of me... :)
Moral: Sangeeta and Joe together are hilarious. Wish they were closer...
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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