Sunday, May 09, 2004

So tired... but we got so much done today!!! I'd say more, but it's top-secret. ;) Suffice it to say, Ditch Day's definitely on its way!

Sam comes back late tomorrow - he's been off on the Ay 103 field trip so he can pass the class and graduate ("Graduate, Sam!"). It's been very quiet around here without him, and I really do miss him when he's gone. No, not just because my primary Magic opponent is gone - he's become an important part of my life. It's difficult to explain.

On the other hand, I didn't have anyone telling me I was being sexist by going to a wedding shower for Sarah (which was only sent to femoles, I believe). It was really lovely; light lunch, a couple fun little games, seeing her wedding dress and flipping through a Bridal magazine with 10 other girls. Very sleepover-like. :) I can't look at those things for too long, or my mind goes numb, but it sure was funny with the others. Especially the 'zombie' brides - the ones with tons of dark markup around the eyes and that drugged look. I admit to being slightly uncomfortable when hints were raised about me and Sam, but it's easier to take now than it was during first term this year. I'll repeat again: no plans yet, other than continuing the relationship after tech. Remember, Sarah and Brian have been together since frosh year - about 3 years by the time of their engagement. That's three times as long as Sam and I. He is a terrific guy, and I love him very much... but there's plenty of time and no need to rush, hmm?

Speaking about finishing so much today, Andrea and I decided to hit Ralph's around 3 and have a celebratory beer (or three :). I didn't know it, but apparently Ralph's won't sell alcohol between 2 and 6 AM. :( Odd CA law, that. At least I had Kahlua and milk in the kitchen. :)

And now, it's definitely time for sleep. Mmmm, exhaustion and alcohol-induced stupor...


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