Tuesday, October 08, 2002

What's happened (summary, 'cause I'm about to go sleep and wake up early to work on bi/ch 110):

-finally submitted history double major paperwork
-looking into archaelogical fieldwork training next summer - sounds promising. maybe I can get study abroad fellowship money for it too... need to look into that Bishop program for juniors. travel + history + unearthing more history = awesome.
-genetics is fun :) I liked that set, it's a good class, positively delightful
-bi/ch 110 isn't fun at all... too much like o chem for my liking. and I'm still not done with the damn thing. grrrrr. it's why I'm getting up at 8 tomorrow morning (well, aside from hum reading).
-ancient medicine looks really cool, and even counts as an out of concentration history course! hooray!
-first meeting of h 142 tomorrow... looking forward to meeting deverell, since everyone says he's great.
-I really, really like the frosh class. only would've made a couple changes, but everyone seems to be fitting in pretty well, so I'm happy. :) looking forward to having fun with 'em
-tired. still working off the sleep debt from sat night/sun morn.

sleeping now, night all. orchestra tomorrow night, love to family and Red.


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