Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Wow. Professor Brewer's awesome. I talked to him today, and he said that since I had misunderstood the paper assignment, and he knew that he tended to be touchy-feely/wishy-washy about explaining requirements, he didn't think it was fair to force me to write another paper. So he'll grade it as is, 'suspending feelings about the way he thought it should have been'. (Also, he specifically said it was the focus, not the quality of the paper, which concerned him.) I could have hugged him. So the E is now officially over, and Brewer now vies for second position with deverell on my list of 'best history profs at tech' (first is Brown, of course). Take a class from him sometime, he's cool. Just not the 'what is history' class. :)
For some reason, I've felt kinda out of it for the past several days - y'know, that slightly mopey, sad feeling that lurks in the back of your mind, and causes you to foul up in easy German exercises in class. Hopefully it'll go away soon.
Last night, I'd stepped out of the shower room after hearing what sounded like Mike W colliding with Sam. Suddenly, Mike looked at me and exclaimed that I bore a remarkable resemblance to Seven of Nine (a Star Trek character - ex-Borg fleet personnel). Mick also saw a resemblence ("You could certainly be her for Halloween"), though Sam did not. So far, the tally is 4 seeing some resemblence, and 2 seeing none at all. For kicks - drop me a line and let me know what you think. For comparison, see or .
Amusing quotes so far:
Bernadette: well... you certainly dress a lot better than she does. :-)
Tina (I think): you have the right eyes, but not her cheekbones or chin... and I can't see you wearing a skintight bodysuit for Halloween.
---that's what you think... I mean... -wicked grin- might be fun just for the heck of it...---
Anyway, time to go read up on some English colonization efforts for my h 97 meeting with deverell.


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