Thursday, June 05, 2003

Found something that attempts to figure out what you are and peg you to a specific religion:

Results for me?
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)
3. Liberal Quakers (89%)
4. Reform Judaism (88%)
5. New Age (84%)
6. Secular Humanism (76%)

Hooray tolerance? That's probably the underlying theme here... and open-mindedness. I'm unsure whether or not there's a supreme being out there, but I think it more important to focus on improving ourselves in daily life. And I don't think it really matters if we receive a reward for good works in an afterlife (if there is one). I'd say the experience of learning to embrace your individuality (strengths and faults), use your full potential, and help others do the same in life is reward enough.

Note that conservative Christianity doesn't show up in the above list. It's funny, because someone (Harlan, I think) assumed I was Christian the other day when we were discussing the Chronicles of Narnia and its allegorical nature. I corrected him, but I guess it's a valid assumption to make, considering that I know a lot about Episcopalianism and can recite large parts of the service from memory (growing up and being confirmed in that faith will do that)... but I've never called myself Christian around here, and I find that a lot more comfortable for me. Perhaps part of the strain of being in Longview is having to constantly hear the question, "So, are you attending church out in California?" and deal with the fallout when I answer no. (I kid you not, I get that from friends from high school. Generally from not-so-close friends, who can't think of much else to talk about with me... Maryah and Tracy have never done that to me, and I thank them tremendously.) And perhaps the other part is going to church on Sundays to please Dad, because I don't want him to lose face in the community (there's the whole "where's your family?" question he'd prefer to avoid at church) - but I'm old enough to where I can think about the words on the page, and realize that I really don't agree with what everyone else is reciting. At least the Episcopal sermons lead you to think about applying faith and doctrine to daily life, instead of making you wish you could give a 5 minute rebuttal immediately afterwards and rip large holes in the minister's assumptions and arguments (I've wanted to do just that in a few services, including a Methodist wedding when the minister went on and on about how women are inferior to men and should submit to their husbands. Absolutely ridiculous... I can't believe the bride just sat there and listened, instead of disagreeing! I certainly wouldn't have stayed silent.). And the music is incredible - the organ, the choir, the breath-taking acoustics in the church. That, and the pleasure of making other people happy with my music, is why I still perform in church when I'm home. Some say they perform for the glory of God; I'm a good deal more mundane in my assessment. -shrugs- But if it makes people happy, and helps them attain the peace that most expect from a religious service, then I don't think it hurts me to perform at a service.

Wow. That was long-winded.


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