Monday, June 09, 2003

Things I'd like to experience in life before I die:
(because I like having a list of things to live for, and because I know that I'm only mortal)

more happiness, more love, more music, more time with the people I love, performing the Mozart Concerto in G and Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream Suite (somewhere), singing more, more travel, Scotland, England, Ireland, Germany, jumping horses well (perhaps even showing?), more books by terry pratchett, writing a children's book and/or at least one praised article on medieval history. More hugs. More endearments. More time with my beloved dog(s). Watching my little sister go through college and seeing what she decides to do with her life and numerous talents. Seeing more Shakespearean plays (and I'll get to do that when I'm home! Yaay for the Kilgore Shakespeare Festival - who said that East Texas has no culture? ;) Teaching (in music? in history?), either in college or freelance. Reading all of Shakespeare's plays, Keats, Wordsworth, Dickens. Learning to play recorder, or harp (another instrument). Living overseas for at least a while, for a new perspective on life. Learning to reach my potential and really live to the fullest extent possible, without being afraid of the future.

And to end, I'll quote Tevya from Fiddler on the Roof: "To Life!"


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