Today I spent mainly on my h 97 paper. At this point, it's very near done - I should flesh out a couple more sections, write a conclusion, then submit that sucker to deverell. Hopefully he'll have enough time to read it before 5 PM tomorrow, which is when he wanted to meet with me... I won't mind making corrections on it, as long as they're not too involved. I'm just hoping that I don't have to take any work home with me - I really don't want to E this course. But I also want to do well.
I also spent a good several hours today packing and moving stuff up to one of the closets in room 8, my room for next year. It's the only storage room over the summer, so I've been begging Jon Foster to clean one of his closets so I can move some of my things up there before everyone else stuffs it full of their boxes... it'd really be miserable if I had to store my boxes in the SAC over the summer, then move 'em all up 3 stories of stairs to my room as soon as I got back, midway through rotation week. It seems like I can avert that case now - I just need to pack the rest of this stuff up by Friday night, then transfer it over to 8 Saturday morning ASAP. Also, I'll need to borrow someone's floor to sleep on for a couple nights, as I'm staying till monday, but don't have a summer contract guaranteeing me a room. Staying in this room for an extra 2 days just wasn't worth the money to housing (or the inconvenience to whoever's moving in (I think Jared G). Anyway, right now most of my books, a couple bookcases, and a buncha miscellaneous stuff in boxes are taking up a closet in 8. And I've finally realized just how many books I've borrowed from Deverell (and the library) over the past term or two... since I moved them all into the places left by the books I've moved, it doesn't look like I have any fewer books on the shelves. Yikes.
Anyway, here's what the next couple days look like:
Wednesday: review german, do labs, take exam (10-5?). meeting with deverell at 5, dinner. skim anthro readings and take exam (7-12?).
Thursday: up at 10 to turn in exams. start in on h 161 paper outline and paper, hopefully finish by the evening and get back to packing.
Friday: turn in paper. perhaps a beach trip? celebrate being done, and hopefully have some fun with friends - if you're interested in dinner and a rented movie, please let me know. :) And pack.
Saturday: move remaining stuff that's not coming home/to Ireland/to Germany with me, and find a floor to stay on for this night and Sunday. Relax.
Sunday: Relax. Enjoy my birthday. Good god, I'll be 21...
Monday: HOME. :) and the beginning of my self-imposed exile from tech, for virtually 4 months. I'll miss you guys.
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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