And I'm dead. It didn't even take a day this year - only 13 hours and 20 minutes, and I meet my downfall in Genetics lecture, at the hands of a lazy biologist (damn you, Chris!), dying from a BI master *and* with the note written on paper ripped out of my genetics notes. -sigh- Morals you could take from this: Never trust a biologist... or, Biology can be deadly. Perhaps this is my hint to switch over completely to history. ;)
In other news, assassination attempts so far by me: 1 on Michelle Swann (failed). Drat it, she almost opened her door... a shame Merc was there to open it for her. -sigh- Lost a few jingle bells there, but never fear, there're more where those came from. :)
If you want to read more about this great game of blood and revenge known as 'Alley Assassins', here's the website:
Have fun!
Other than that: The bi/ch 110 prof decided to be merciful and, instead of making the exam due thursday like it says, changed the due date to next tues. -sigh of relief- I won't die! Hooray!
However, I'd give my eyeteeth to beat the whey out of that whiney grad student in lecture who was complaining about how he had plans for the weekend. Well, dammit, if you want to do something over the weekend, just do the exam ahead of time. Not like anyone's stopping you, after all - and this gives us poor overworked undergrads a little breathing room. 'Why can't you make it due thursday still?' (a dozen undergrads turn around: "Because WE have other classes to deal with and other things going on over the next two days! Deal with it!") Thank you, Prof Richards :)
I honestly didn't know if I was going to get to sleep tonight or tomorrow night if that exam was due thursday morning... orchestra and riding take a hefty chunk out of my mid-week schedule, but they're essential to my sanity. AND I've got loads of hum reading to catch up on... let it slide last week, and it's coming back to bite me now. 400+ pages of reading, anyone?
AND the core 1a intro. Still reading for that too. Need to write that draft tonight after orchestra rehearsal, as I'm meeting Professor Eaton tomorrow morn at 10 AM to go over it...
And (the after-)life goes on. Will update later this week, once I come up for air again... or make a kill... muahahaha -evil grin- Catch you guys later!
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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