Thursday, October 10, 2002

My life today, in fragments:

-woke up around noon :) no morning classes, hooray
-late lunch while talking to friends in courtyard about various sundry Blacker traditions that're coming up soon. all sorts o' fun. AND found a possible co-veep, since Sandy's thinking about running. Organizing alley orderings would certainly be easier than secretarial duties, and a whole lot more fun.
-decided against going to the bi/ch 110 lecture in favor of history reading for tomorrow - I believe the wednesday lectures are just about simple molecular bio techniques, and I had far too much exposure to those last year/summer.
-read history of CA reading... not too bad. Indian myths are interesting, as are the missionary diary excerpts
-went riding -grins- which always means a good day. AND got to ride Tennessee, the best horse ever. I love that little chestnut mare - she's so much fun to ride. AND Davee thought my form was good in sitting trot and posting without stirrups, even though I hadn't ridden for two weeks and my legs aren't quite as strong as they were. AND Sandy thought that I was the best one in the class (only because Yussanne wasn't there, I'll bet).
-Mongo Fresh. mmmm
-Shaft Hovse - for a house with that name, it's awfully nice. Got the full house tour from Sandy and Lucie

and now, I'm sleeping. It's been a great day. Kinda funny though... Earlier today, I was wondering if I'd ever be able to see past another person's faults again, enough to love someone without reserve. Then, all I could think of was maybe, I don't know. Now, I realize that I have plenty of time - I only have the rest of my life to figure that one out, so why rush? There's time to spare, and I'm having an awful lot of fun on my own and with friends... I don't need someone else around to validate my worth anymore - I know I cannot be someone I'm not, and that I'll be happiest pursuing what I love to do. I don't need someone else around to validate who I am or who I choose to become in life, touch me, share my dreams/heart/whatever, move me to tears, or anything else. My friends, family and dog are enough.

Take that, world! I'm no longer afraid of what you can throw at me. I can survive. And I can find happiness again.


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