Time for a few random thoughts:
Bleh. I hate being sick. I just hope the quack shack gives me antibiotics for this sinus infection instead of telling me it's just a cold. After having one after a cold every year for the past 20 years of my life, I should think I know when the bacterial infection begins... but they sure didn't believe me frosh year. -sigh- Ah well. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Why can't housing bother to turn on the radiators? It's COLD out! I shouldn't have to go elsewhere to be warm... not that I mind getting out of my room, but c'mon. I shouldn't be shivering in my room, especially if I'm sick.
Ever since my 20th birthday, it seems that I'm a magnet for 35+ year old men whenever I'm offcampus without friends (current tally: 4). I figured this was because I aged prematurely last year. Yet I've been told I look pretty youthful by frosh... this is odd. And disturbing - does this mean I attract the pedophiles? -shudder- And how do I avoid these situations without dragging along friends every time I want to go to ralph's or to read/study at peet's or starbucks? ARGH. I don't understand this.
Mmmm, wasting time...
According to the Star Wars and LOTR personality tests, I'm most similar to Princess Leia and Legolas (respectively).
After what I posted a couple days ago, this result is really amusing. Got this result the second time:
What Is Your True Aura Colour?
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It's especially amusing since these 'priorities' are nowhere on my list right now... well, close to the bottom, in any case. Right now, focus is on confidence, independence and strength... more like the red result I got the first time, really, minus the 'sexuality/sensuality' bit. Expression is more through music and art (mainly painting).
What Is Your True Aura Colour?
brought to you by Quizilla
I just wish I knew who I was for certain... I don't seem to fit any boxes, stereotypes, or other classifications. -shrugs- I guess that's a good thing - suppose that means I'm unique. Or a mass of contradictions. Go figure.
The Journey
A description of life through one person's eyes.
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
-Ursula K. LeGuin
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